30 January 2023
Projection Comparison
25 January 2023
UWF Main Campus with Florida Overview
The map shows the University of West Florida campus in Escambia County tucked into the northwest part of the state of Florida relative to its other counties.
The process for the lab was extensive and detailed, as it should have been. The experience was one of repetition and just making sure to read the assignment ahead of doing the steps. ArcGIS Pro has a lot going on and it can be intimidating but a lab like this gave me more confidence going forward. I did have to repeat a few steps but doing so helped me. The creation of this map was a challenge in getting the inset map set up with the larger map. Details in choosing the location of the title, legend, and data source all affect the end result of what is being conveyed to make it easy for the audience to understand the map. It was a good challenge and fun to make.
18 January 2023
ArcGIS Pro World Cities
10 January 2023
GIS Blog Post
My name is Chris. I am working towards my MS GIS degree by revisiting the basics of the foundation courses. I appreciate the challenges of working with GIS software. There is a great reward in seeing the end result of a quality map with data collected from the field or downloaded.
UWF Student. Aspiring GIS Analyst.
Website and portfolio
For this blog post I will be talking about a part of my portfolio shown through my website which includes some examples of project work from...
This is the first week of Special Topics in GIS and looks to be a class of new challenges with a different approach to data. However, after...
The theme for this year's GIS Day is Mapping Minds, Shaping the World so it seemed fitting to share what GIS is with someone close to me...
In this lab, we worked with data already prepared for us. Sometimes working with maps and using data to get results can be a little more per...