24 November 2024

Website and portfolio

For this blog post I will be talking about a part of my portfolio shown through my website which includes some examples of project work from school and work. The task was to build a website, which I did using Wix. After putting it together I completed a video recording with Panopto talking about the website, portfolio, and project work. 

Putting a portfolio together was easy as long as I had access to my completed maps and project work. (This should be an easy thing but better organization had to be key from the beginning.) Wix was easy to use for the website build, I just created an account and off I went. Wix has tutorials to preview for help getting through the process and once I went through those it was straightforward. Requirements for the site were part of the course assignment. These included sections of Home, About, Resume, GIS Portfolio, and Contact information. I never realized how easy it would be to set up my own website and the best part is that it was free. It took me a few weeks to get it right, not daily for weeks but it was good to take my time adding and removing items in the site sections. 

In going through the process of building the site and making it look professional I wanted the site to be visually engaging also. I adhered to adding what was necessary in the relevant sections, the home and about me pages but adding images from Wix templates made it look better. I felt this made it a better site to scroll through. Additionally, I added a page to include an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) video entitled “What is GIS?” at the end of the tour. Who better to answer that question than ESRI, the maker of the software most of use, ArcGIS? This may answer questions that some may have but it was also an interesting piece to add. "What is GIS?" is by far the most common question I get from friends and family so adding it to the portfolio site will hopefully help me to answer that question in greater detail.

Creating a website is not something I thought I would ever do and to be honest creating a blog was never appealing either. However, being involved with GIS is a creative process. There is so much information to work with and the output deserves to be seen and shared. I have an appreciation of the process for the website and portfolio. What I presented for my portfolio is only a small part of what I have done but it represents my work as a whole. Whether creating maps, analyzing data, building geodatabases, or building an extensive model in ModelBuilder, GIS is always fun and, yes, frustrating at times. Sharing my work motivates me further to go beyond what is required for work. To go beyond what is simply necessary to map and to share with other GIS users to hopefully encourage and motivate others to see beyond their city or state. 

17 November 2024

GIS Day Event 11/20/2024

The theme for this year's GIS Day is Mapping Minds, Shaping the World so it seemed fitting to share what GIS is with someone close to me. I created a GIS Day event at home for my family so we could have a more involved conversation about how GIS is a passion for many, including myself, and how integrated it truly is into our daily lives. What is GIS is a common enough question when asked ‘What do I do for a living’ but how do I explain it? Usually, I explain it as map-making with data but leave out many details because even though I am excited to talk about it, not everyone is as excited to listen. 

Talking about GIS is easy but explaining without overwhelming someone with the GIS lingo can be a challenge and I understand my enthusiasm for all things mapped is probably not to be shared. That said, it was fun to share and discuss how GIS is more than making maps. My girlfriend works for a large insurance company so we talked about ways GIS could relate to her company to help guide the conversation. The work environment is so connected now, with weekly meetings via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and other platforms, distances are no longer an issue so I created a map of points showing where some of her co-workers work from around the world. It was a simple easy way to convey how GIS can begin with something fun and personally relatable. It reminded me of the first time I opened ArcGIS Pro, feeling overwhelmed but realizing how much potential GIS has. She and I talked about the world and how small it really is when viewed on maps. I relayed my experiences with making maps, and because we love to travel, how being immersed in GIS helps me view the world differently. 

It was fun to share GIS Day and even though it was probably more fun for me, it helped us open up more about our perceptions of how the world is portrayed through simple maps. Another fun part for me was revisiting thoughts and experiences from when I first came across GIS many years ago. GIS Day is a great way to celebrate GIS communities where people enjoy helping others succeed. Communities that are always helpful with learning and encouraging success.

05 October 2024



I have been working as an intern with Jacobs Solutions starting November 6, 2023. My internship has progressed to me getting hired full-time as a GIS Professional with Jacobs. The industries I work with primarily involve environmental resilience, vulnerability assessment, and asset management. The workdays can be repetitive with the same task of creating maps or building geodatabases. But there are plenty of other days when new tasks develop. Those are days when I look back on the subject matter from classes I took at UWF. Jacobs has plenty of resources to help me get the job done but it is always nice to have a quick visual reference from previous lab assignments to jog the memory. 

15 September 2024

Key takeaways from a GIS job search

 A job search can be daunting, time-consuming, and frustrating. There are words to add to that short list that are more-or-less synonyms of each other. Creating and editing a proper resume is part of this process as well. However, if you have completed a resume that fits into a GIS mold that covers an assortment of acquired skills then a job search can be a little less overwhelming. Having a good resume is ideal for confidence in the job search. 

It is important to note that a job search is not all bad because it can open up possibilities for a career you may have never thought about. Sure you have an idea of what you want to do and where you want to work, but searches can be frustrating when you limit yourself to what you are applying to. Don't sell yourself short on your learned skills and the ability to quickly pick up others on the job. ESRI has many free online courses and YouTube is a great resource for learning tips or revisiting anything you know you learned but may have forgotten some details of.

It is important to be organized in the search process, have a good resume, know what you want to do, be open-minded to options, and don't dismiss your abilities. Something I love about GIS is the potential for working remotely, many employers have this as an option. This allows for more options no matter where you live. There are many websites available to search GIS positions so plan to spend some time when the search begins. Open positions may be the same from one to another but not always so take notes if necessary to keep up with applications, dates, and employers that have been applied to. 

Keep in mind the job search is inevitable. It is a process that is often repeated over time as you progress in your career. It may or may not become easier but the process should be similar, the task of searching hopefully easier. 

01 September 2024

GIS User Group

Group name - Florida chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (FLURISA) - FLURISA 

FLURISA is a regional chapter of URISA and is a non-profit for GIS professionals. There are three regions of Florida this organization covers; north, central, and south, offering several options to potential members. They range from professional to student and young professionals, while also extending memberships to different types of organizations, such as educational institutions or government agencies. The main page is 

I have chosen the Florida chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA). Although I looked at other organizations to join, URISA was the best fit. It favors GIS more than other groups and offers a Florida chapter, other organizations may offer something comparatively but being specific to Florida convinced me. The student membership rate was also an attractive incentive. I was not very familiar with FLURISA before but after a conversation with our instructor and current president of the Florida chapter, I was motivated to become a member.

The annual membership options are professional at $195, young professionals at $125, students at $20, and retired, and unemployed at $75. The student requirements include minimum coursework at the time of enrollment. Each of these has pro-rated amounts according to first-year join dates which vary based on the year quarter you join. The Florida Chapter of URISA has annual dues of $25, although why it is different or how different it is from other state chapters I am unsure of.  To join, go through the main page URISA, click on membership, select the type of membership, and then click the hyperlink titled “join online today”. 

The benefits of a professional membership extend wide for FLURISA. Some highlights are education and training event discounts, access to an electronic library of journal articles, networking with fellow GIS Professionals, and a nice bonus for many, contribution points toward a GISP certification. Note -  “A GISP® is a designation awarded to a certified geographic information systems (GIS) professional that provides him/her a professional distinction in the GIS profession.” (https://www.gisci.org/

22 February 2024

Lab 6: Proportional Symbol and Bivariate Choropleth Mapping


When an attribute table has negative values they must be converted to positive before mapping. First you must separate the values to be mapped, in this case, jobs lost and gained. Make a selection of the values needed to create another feature, then use simple math of multiplying a negative by -1 to keep the same values. Then you have two different features to be mapped, positive and negative but it is easy to work. Proportioned dots stacked on each other with different sizes are effective. (The purple background in this map is the result of fatigue and is terrible.)

I used the ColorBrewer website to pick a 3-color classification. Once selected then the information was displayed for me. I chose three 3 color classifications with similarities in tones, which allowed to keep hues that complemented each other. In ArcGIS I opened each color of the symbology to ensure I had the matching numbers when applying the color scheme to each value.

H 321

S 86

V 77               

H 277

S 48

V 65


S 87

V 86

H 345

S 36

V 98

H 210

S 27

V 85

H 302

S 26

V 78

H 6

S 12

V 99

H 204

S 8

V 95

H 266

S 5

V 26

Bivariate choropleth mapping is great because of its efficiency in providing information. Having two variables that are related drives home the point better because of the link. In the lab, obesity and physical inactivity are two very good examples of complementary variables. Typically, one does not go without the other, although that is not always the case. In creating this type of map, it can also help bring an understanding that there may be an issue of concern is being addressed and shows a trend in specific areas. For obesity and physical inactivity, it may seem common knowledge they go together but creating a legible, balanced, and good visually contrasted map really can be a powerful tool of information. 

20 February 2024

Lab 5: Analytical Data

 This week’s lab was especially tough, I found. It was tough because of the time it took to work through the lab. The to also work through the challenges that naturally come with GIS and data. The objective was to practice the use of different visualizations techniques to present data as well as designing communication material combining maps and graphics. My end result is not pretty but was completed.

I had a challenging time with the layout and working with the design for scatter plot and bar chart. The data was downloaded from the Census Bureau in an Excel csv format. It was the 2018 County Health Rankings National Data, which is quite interesting. We picked two variables to work with and had to create an infographic with maps displaying the relationship between the two. Finalizing the layout is where I ran into some issues when creating one with so much information in it. Putting so much into one layout to convey the message in the data results, such as adding a bar chart with multiple inputs, and pie charts are a couple of them. This was the toughest lab I have had yet and especially to work within the time constraints.

UWF Student. Aspiring GIS Analyst.

Website and portfolio

For this blog post I will be talking about a part of my portfolio shown through my website which includes some examples of project work from...