This week’s lab assignment was to create a tour of South Florida and its major cities on Google Earth (GE). First, we had to add a surface water layer into ArcGIS, symbolize the layer, choose the appropriate color, and then convert it to a KMZ file. For this action, we used the Layer to KML tool in the analysis toolbox kit. Afterward, we added the file as New Image Overlay into Google Earth. In doing this I learned that the sizing of the legend should be finished and correct up front because there is no going back when you begin to add new folders, create the tour, and save the map or at least that is my experience. I was unable to figure out how to change the size of the legend which seems too large for the map extent. Also, the colors were different in ArcGIS but were not differentiated in the same way for GE, although they are different in the legend. When setting up the tour I needed to play around with a proper location for a downtown area, not plopped on a corner staring directly at a traffic sign. Details!
Recording a tour in GE was really interesting. Putting everything together for this assignment was fun since I have never done anything like it. There are so many wonderful places in South Florida that could have been added to this tour but this is a good start. Google Earth is free and includes many layers that could be added to a map or tour. The great thing is files from ArcGIS can easily be added once in the correct format. Google Earth also has the ability to display buildings in 3D which creates a fascinating entry for a tour into a downtown area. This aspect makes it that much better and gives a great aerial perspective.
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