Weighted Overlay Tool-Task=Use to find a suitable area to build for a property developer.
The Weighted Overlay tool is a commonly used approach in solving multicriteria problems for suitability problems. In module 6 I worked through a scenario that involved identifying suitable locations for a property developer to build on. They need an estimate of how much land would actually be suitable to build on. The data used for this task is land cover, soils, slopes, roads, and rivers. The weighted overlay tool is ideal to use in this situation where rasters are the input and output. To get the data to use I ran the Euclidean Distance for the roads and rivers. These inputs required a suitability rating based on distance. Hence the Euclidean tool which gives the results in raster form. Rasters for each data input are what I needed to run the weighted overlay. Once the roads and rivers are changed into rasters, each of the criteria was reclassified into ranges and categorized. Soils were put into a class and landcover was sorted by value. Now I can run the weighted overlay using a raster file as an input, essentially adding all these together to get one result. The results are in the map comparison below.
The raster inputs require evenness of being 100% total so they were each given a 20% weight across the 5 layers. An unequal weighted overlay is simply offsetting the percentages given to each input, in this case, the slope was given 40%. To account for the offset roads and rivers were decreased to 10% each as their weighted input. I was unable to attain the lab assignment’s value number of 4. As you can see there were only three for my output. I ran this over and over but still was only able to come up with these results. At some point, the map simply stopped working and caused me to go back to the beginning of this segment to start over, at least twice.
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